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Planning Board Minutes 09/21/04
SEPTEMBER 21, 2004

Members Present:        Robert Frizzell – Chair; Steven Neill, Ex-Officio, David Sussman, Roger Thibodeau

Alternates Present:     None

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES:  Chairman Robert Frizzell called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  He noted that there were no alternates present but there was a quorum of regular members.


David Sussman moved to approve the Minutes of the September 7, 2004, meeting as printed.  Roger Thibodeau seconded the motion but noted that during the Victor & Nancy St. Pierre discussion he questioned the fact that there is a sign indicating that the Great Country Road is a private road.  With four members in favor, the minutes were approved as corrected.

VICTOR R. & NANCY J. ST. PIERRE, Cont’d – Fifteen (15) Lot Subdivision – Great Country Road – Map 3, Lots 17 & 18 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Victor St. Pierre advised that the only new thing since the last meeting is that his surveyor has surveyed the existing road and laid out the Great Country Road with a 33’ Right-of-way for the whole length, he did not survey the wider parcel.  There is a strip of land that extends from 12A that as far as Mike Sauchuk’s land and he believes that this strip was reserved was for future access.  St. Pierre, Inc. says they own it and he is negotiating for the right to use it.  It was created in a 1979 subdivision and he is working on that.  Someone else has title to that part of the road.  That strip was left back then and it shows up on the tax maps; nobody is paying taxes on that parcel though.  Ownership should have been better defined.  Mr. Edkins reported that Dave Duquette looked at the water system engineering work and it is good.  Keith Weed is satisfied with the proposed roadway engineering but the right-of-way issue has yet to be resolved.

Mr. Thibodeau moved to continue the Victor R. & Nancy J. St. Pierre application until the next meeting on October 5, 2004.  Mr. Neill seconded the motion.  With four members in favor, the motion carried.                    

ROBERT & JOANIE DAVIS – Three (3) Lot Subdivision – Acworth Road – Map 34, Lot 41 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Mr. Edkins advised that copies of two memos from Keith Weed were included in the packets.  One memo was relative to the test pits and the fact that Mr. Weed feels the roadway meets the specifications needed for paving.  The second memo was relative to the paving; the Town should not accept the roadway until the cul-de-sac has been built at the end of the road.  Robert Davis explained that there is a modular home in the area where the cul-de-sac has to be built.  As soon as it is moved and put on the foundation he can do the paving.  The roadway itself has been paved.  He submitted a “letter of credit” from the Claremont Savings Bank stating that there is $4,000 in a special account and the bank will only release those funds for paving of the cul-de-sac.  It will be paved within 60 days.  Mr. Davis advised that the area of 50 feet off the Acworth Road has been cut back so that it meets the Town’s maximum grade requirements.

Mr. Thibodeau moved to grant final approval of the Robert and Joanie Davis application with the stipulation that the cul-de-sac be paved within 60 days.  In recognition of the guarantee in the letter of credit from the bank that the funds are available for the paving, the Chairman is authorized to sign the mylar.  Mr. Sussman seconded the motion.  With four members in favor, the motion was approved.       

OLD #4 ROD, GUN & SNOWMOBILE CLUB, INC. – 25’ X 30’ Equipment & Trail Maintenance Building – Off Old Claremont Road – Map 25, Lot 2 – Zone E (Mixed Use):
Steve Neill stepped off the Board as he is a member of the Old #4 Rod, Gun & Snowmobile Club and Brenda Ferland replaced him for this agenda item.  

Brian Howard displayed a revised map of the property and explained the proposed layout.  The cement truck will come in through the driveway; after the cement is poured that entrance will be closed-off.  They can get some fill and make a berm for about 30’ in addition to the fence.  Police Chief Ed Smith contacted the Police Academy but liability-wise they do not want to get involved.  He contacted someone from the private sector and that person agreed to take a look at the proposal but felt it might be done by having a copy of the detailed sketch as opposed to doing an on-site visit.  Mr. Howard explained that this maintenance building would see the most people at this time of the year when they are getting the equipment ready.  There are 36 trees in the area between the building and firing range.  Mrs. Ferland felt that after the cement is done if that area was closed off it seems to be acceptable.  Mr. Sussman pointed out that some of the items are out of scale.  Mr. Howard responded that these dimensions are the correct numbers.  Mr. Frizzell advised that the Club should submit a letter stating what they intend to do near the building and, by the next meeting, the Board should have a response from the private sector expert.    

Mr. Sussman moved to accept the Old #4 Rod, Gun & Snowmobile Club, Inc.  application as complete.  Mr. Thibodeau seconded the motion.  With four members in favor, the motion was approved.            

Brenda Ferland stepped off the Board and Steve Neill returned as a regular member.

Schedule of Planning Board Fees:  At some time Mr. Edkins would like to talk about the application fee schedule, which he feels is inadequate.  Notification Costs are okay at $2.67 each but advertising for all applications at $10.00 is too low as the average ad is a little over $50.00.  It seems we could double the $25.00 fee per lot for subdivisions to $50.00.  It seems that the charge for consultants should be on a case-by-case basis.  We do not want to make the fees prohibitive for small operations.  Mr. Thibodeau felt that we should not cut ourselves short but rather have a little left over.  Mr. Edkins did not expect the Board to make a decision at this meeting but wanted to make them aware of the issue.  In the meantime, he will do some more research and then submit a proposal to the Board.  Mr. Thibodeau suggested that Mr. Edkins do a survey to see what others towns are charging.  Mr. Edkins will discuss this with the Zoning Board of Adjustment during their meeting tomorrow night.      

Special Meeting – Thursday, September 23, 2004:  Dave Edkins reminded the Planning Board members that there is a special meeting on Thursday, September 23rd at 7:00 P.M. to work on the Master Plan with Tara Bamford.

Zoning Board of Adjustment:  There will be a ZBA meeting on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004, at 7:00 P.M. on a Variance application submitted by Anne S. Ricker.

Mr. Edkins advised that the following correspondence was received:  
·       The NH Department of Environmental Services will sponsor “Watershed Conference 2004” on Saturday, November 13th, 2004, in Concord.  If anyone would like to attend contact Dave Edkins.  Registration deadline is October 30, 2004.

·       Copies of the Fall Planning and Zoning Conference brochure to be held on October 30th, 2004, were included in the packets.  There is money in the budget for anyone who would like to attend.

·       A Public Notice was received from the City of Claremont that the Planning Board has an application from U.S. Cellular for a proposed 180-foot self-supporting lattice wireless communications tower.

There being no other business, Mr. Thibodeau moved for adjournment.  Mr. Sussman seconded the motion and, with four members in favor, the meeting adjourned at 7:54 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                              Minutes Filed: 9-22-04

(Note: These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the October 5, 2004, meeting.)